On-Premises Gateway

Microsoft Excel is probably the most common business solution. With Open as App your Excel data can be turned into apps instantly. If sensitive data are involved you can host your Excel file on Premises, thus, providing the necessary data protection with the Open as App On-Premises Gateway. Please note that the current implementation of […]


Microsoft Excel is probably the most common business solution. With Open as App your Excel data can be turned into apps instantly. If sensitive data are involved you can host your Excel file on Premises, thus, providing the necessary data protection with the Open as App On-Premises Gateway. Please note that the current implementation of the gateway is read-only.  

In this whitepaper you will learn more about the functionality, the use, and the roll-out of our Gateway technology. 

The On-Premises Gateway connects your apps to Excel files in your company’s on-Premises IT infrastructure. It provides any of your apps created with Open as App with the corresponding Excel source file. The gateway can be connected to various data sources, e.g. it can work with files simply located on the hard disk of that server or connect to files on an internal network share or even a SharePoint. 

The gateway is server software. It is provided as a simple Windows Service (MSI Installer) and is based on .NET technology. It can be installed on any Windows server running .NET Framework 4.6.1. 

When using the Open as App Gateway, the sensitive Excel files stay on your premises and will not be transferred to the cloud. Only insensitive metadata – like the XML layout of the app – are stored in the cloud. Please note that collaboration features like storing and loading calculations, saving survey results, and commenting on apps might store data in the cloud. However, those features are optional and can easily be disabled by the administrator of the app.

When the gateway is put in an internal network – not exposed to the internet – and only accessible via VPN, the file is perfectly protected from the internet and the Open as App cloud will not be able to access it. The file will only be available for mobile devices within the same VPN which downloaded the file and stored it for offline access, secured with industry standard AES 256-bit encryption.

This text is an excerpt from the whitepaper “On-Premises Gateway”. To read the full text, download this white paper for free.


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Damian Roller

On-Premises Gateway


Damian Roller


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