Working together.

Open as App Partners

We are happy that we have many of trusted partners we integrate with to support your business innovate and simplify proccess with our no-code platform.

Microsoft Excel

Turn formulas, charts, forms, or lists automatically into apps, share them instantly with high functionality and full control of your data and its users. Connect your Excel data instantly with Open as App.

Consistent Open as App experience in Microsoft environment – compliant with all user existing rights in SharePoint Online.

Data-Hosting and Multi-Experience Apps

Choose among several ways of connecting your Microsoft Excel data with read-only and write-back optional. Upload to the Open as App Cloud (Azure), link via OneDrive, Dropbox, or SharePoint. And use your apps in multi-channels like web, iOS, Android, Microsoft Teams, or Slack. 

Create a multitude of apps from your data in Microsoft Excel

  • Provide tools for your workforce and clients based on Microsoft Excel calculations 
  • Share and collect information faster, more accurate and more efficiently with list and survey apps
  • Provide an innovative customer experience with multi-experience apps for web, Android, iOS, Microsoft Teams and Slack
  • Protect your know-how, avoid spreadsheet-based Shadow IT and improve user-friendliness

Increase overall team satisfaction by empowering your employees
